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Ciência Florestal
Centro de Pesquisas Florestais - CEPEF, Departamento de Ciências Florestais - DCFL, Programa de Pós Graduação em Engenharia Florestal - PPGEF
ISSN: 0103-9954
EISSN: 0103-9954
Vol. 18, No. 4, 2008, pp. 415-426
Bioline Code: cf08039
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Ciência Florestal, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2008, pp. 415-426

 en Micrometeorological environments and biodiversity in a closed forest and at a tree-fall gap in central Amazonia
Tsuchiya, Akio & Tanaka, Akira


Micrometeorological parameters were measured in a closed forest (CF) and at a tree-fall gap (LG) near Novo Aripuanã, AM, along the Madeira River in dry season (August to September 2003) and rainy season (March 2004), and were compared to the number of species per family and the number of seedlings obtained from forest inventory. The daily averages of net radiation (W/m2) between CF and LG were 9.5:168.0 during dry season and 3.6:125.9 during rainy season, and these averages were influenced by the difference in shortwave radiation between the sites (CFPourouma check for this species in other resources , Parkia check for this species in other resources , Tachigalia check for this species in other resources , and Orbignya check for this species in other resources , meanwhile genera peculiar to closed forests ( Protium check for this species in other resources , Chrysophyllum check for this species in other resources , Micropholis check for this species in other resources ) were also found.

micrometeorological environments; closed forest; tree-fall gap; biodiversity

 pt Ambientes micrometeorológicos e a biodiversidade florística em floresta fechada e em clareira natural na Amazônia central
Tsuchiya, Akio & Tanaka, Akira


Diversos parâmetros micrometeorológicos foram medidos em floresta fechada (CF) e em clareira natural (LG) na região do Rio Madeira, município de Novo Aripuanã, Estado do Amazonas, na estacão seca (agosto a setembro, 2003) e na estacão chuvosa (março, 2004). Os resultados foram relacionados com o número de espécies por família e a regeneração natural de um inventário florístico. A amplitude da radiação líquida diurna (Rn: W/m2) entre CF e LG foi de 9,5 e 168,0, respectivamente, durante a estação seca, e 3.6 e 125.9 durante a estacão chuvosa. A média dos valores foi influenciada pela diferença da radiação de onda curta entre sítios (CFPourouma check for this species in other resources , Parkia check for this species in other resources , Tachigalia check for this species in other resources e Orbignya check for this species in other resources , e de gêneros comuns em ambiente de floresta fechada ( Protium check for this species in other resources , Chrysophyllum check for this species in other resources , Micropholis check for this species in other resources ).

ambientes micrometeorológicos; floresta fechada; clareira natural; biodiversidade

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