East and Central African Journal of Surgery
Association of Surgeons of East Africa and College of Surgeons of East Central and Southern Africa
ISSN: 1024-297X EISSN: 1024-297X
Vol. 19, No. 2, 2014, pp. 144-146
Bioline Code: js14048
Full paper language: English
Document type: Case Report
Document available free of charge
East and Central African Journal of Surgery, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2014, pp. 144-146
en |
Primary Fallopian Tube Cancer – An Incidental Finding in a young Patient
Dahiya, Krishna; Dahiya, Pushpa & Sangwan, Vijayata
Primary fallopian tube cancer (PFTC) is rarest among gynecological malignancies.The
prognosis of this malignancy is worst because of its presentation and diagnosis in
advanced stage only. The symptoms of this malignancy are usually confused with pelvic
inflammatory disease or ovarian malignancy. The preoperative diagnosis of PFTC is very
rare and most patients with PFTC undergo laparotomy with the presumed diagnosis of
ovarian tumor or tubo-ovarian mass. In the present study the patient underwent
laparotomy for suspicious ovarian mass and later came out fallopian tube malignancy on
frozen section. This case report is published to make the practitioner more aware about the
existence of fallopian tube cancer and always to be kept in mind in young or
perimenopausal patients who underwent laparotomy for suspicious tubo-ovarian mass. In
the present patient only the frozen section analysis report revealed the malignancy not
even the gross picture preoperatively
Primary fallopian tube malignancy PFTC; Adenocarcinoma
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