African Journal of Biomedical Research
Ibadan Biomedical Communications Group
ISSN: 1119-5096
Vol. 21, No. 2, 2018, pp. 93-99
Bioline Code: md18017
Full paper language: English
Document type: Review Article
Document available free of charge
African Journal of Biomedical Research, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2018, pp. 93-99
en |
Bacteriophage Fusion Peptides Based Targeted Delivery of Therapeutics to Cancer Cells
Fagbohun, O.A
A very paramount strategy for effective therapeutic management of tumors is the selective delivery of cancer therapeutic to the
site of the malady employing the concept of targeted delivery. Although, a pleothora of ligands have been developed for targeting
therapeutics to the site of the disease, only a few have been successfully used because of the need of their conjugation to
therapeutic nanocarriers. A promising approach is harnessing bacteriophages displaying fusion peptides on all their major coat
proteins (landscape phages) for targeting therapeutic-loaded nanocarriers to breast and prostate cancer cells. Screening of
multibillion landscape phage has resulted in generation of peptide ligands targeting cancer-specific receptors. Also, spontaneous
insertion of isolated phage proteins into therapeutic loaded nanocarriers such as liposomes can enhance their cancer-specific
cytotoxicity and exclude the need for complex bioconjugations and derivitization procedures required for targeting. Various
breast cancer, prostate cancer and metastatic prostate cancer cells specific landscape phage peptides have been generated by
screening landscape phage libraries. These cancer specific-landscape phage clones and their peptides are promising platforms
for various applications such targeted drug and gene delivery, cancer cell receptor identification and phage-like particles for gene
therapy. As such, these applications are described in this review.
Bacteriophage; Fusion peptides; Targeted delivery; Cancer; Therapeutics
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