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Bioline Publishers, Users and Colleagues share their thoughts about Bioline...

"Scientific findings do not belong to a country but to the whole world, and Bioline is contributing to disseminate research results, connecting researchers from developing nations with their colleagues from developed countries."

Hernán Riquelme, Editor, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research ex - Agricultura Técnica (Chile)

"Too often we think of scientific knowledge and the developing countries in terms of what “we” can do for “them”. We need to nurture the organizations and initiatives that challenge this limiting point of view, enriching the international scholarly community with important research and neglected perspectives from the developing world."

Lynn Copeland, Dean of Library Services and University Librarian, Simon Fraser University Library, Canada

"Joining Bioline has been very beneficial to the journal.Through Bioline, our journal has had exposure and submission of manuscripts has increased and from outside Africa."

Nancy Kamau, Technical editor, African Journal Of Health Sciences

"In my personal opinion, and as a citizen of Africa, I can only humbly thank all those who have continued to support the Open Knowledge Access services and reassure them that it is a worthwhile investment. By supporting those services your organizations are contributing to bridging the knowledge inequities between economically developing countries and between economically developing and developed countries."Joses M Kirigia works with the World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (Brazzaville, Congo) as a Manager of the Programme on Health Financing and Social Protection. Before joining WHO he was a Senior Lecturer and Coordinator of a Health Economics Masters Program at the University of Cape Town, South Africa

"Our journal is now indexed in Web of Science. We partly owe such promotion to the very generous offer from Bioline that could provide ample ground for our journal to reach international bodies. I believe Bioline has helped us in many ways to achieve promotion and dignity for International Journal of Environmental Research. We always remember such kind and generous cooperation. Besides, I should thank you (specially) and your colleagues for the very very cooperative attitude."Dr. Karbassi, Executive Manager, International Journal of Environmental Research

"Clearly, BI has contributed significantly towards increasing the readership and submission of manuscripts to our journal. In this regard, the Editorial Board felt strongly that BI should continue being supported to make it stronger in order for it to strengthen upcoming journals."

Kagoma S. Mnyika, Editor-in-Chief, East African Journal Public Health

"Each month we look forward to Bioline's statistics to show us how we are doing. It has been wonderful working with Bioline!!"

Dr. Ruth Oniang'o, Editor in Chief, African Journal of Food, Nutrition and Development

"We have been working with Bioline for a number of years and we were skeptical of Open Acces initially, but we now firmly believe that open access is the best way to fulfill the mission of our journal."

Dr. Paul Nampala, Editor, African Crop Science Journal. Executive Secretary Uganda National Academy of Sciences (UNAS

"No other service has giving so much visibility to local content from Nigeria as Bioline International has done. I do hope that more journals published in Nigeria will be added to the existing list in the future."

Grace A. Ajuwon, E. Latunde Odeku Medical Library, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria

"Thank you for making journal articles available online. I work in a small isolated Northern Hospital and organizations like yours that provide this service increase my ability to offer better care."

John Mac Donald, Lake of the Woods District Hospital, Canada

Last update October 16, 2014

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