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Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Medknow Publications
ISSN: 0973-2284 EISSN: 1998-3670
Vol. 10, Num. 2, 2006, pp. 87-87

Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Vol. 10, No. 2, May-August, 2006, pp. 87


Dr. Mahesh Chandra Dutta

Hon. Secretary, IAOH AP Branch

Correspondence Address:Hon. Secretary, IAOH AP Branch

Code Number: oe06020

Dr. Mahesh Chandra Dutta born on 1-1-46 at Dhaka (now in Bangladesh). Graduated from Assam Medical College Gauhati. Diploma in child health from Hafkins Medical Institute, New Delhi joined BARC in 1972 as a Medical Officer in BARC Hospital. Subsequently he was transferred to Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC), Hyderabad and was assigned to setting up a Medical Centre at NFC, Hyderabad for the benefit of NFC employees. He was one man army who has established a small first aid health centre at Site of NFC and a dispensary in the residential colony. His exposure to multifaceted activities of NFC, Dr. M. C. Dutta moulded himself and adopted occupational health from a Paediatrician to an Industrial Physician. He was an able administrator who was elevated to Chief Medical Officer.

He was founder Member IAOH AP Branch and was instrumental in holding two National IAOH Conferences at Hyderabad. He was member in occupational health advisory Committee AERB. During his tenure he has standardized the procedure for pre-employment and periodical medical checkups which is being followed in the units of DAE to date.

He was vice president - IAOH AP Branch through out his tenure. He was vice-president at National IAOH Body, presently he was advisor for IAOH AP Branch.

He has attained heavenly abode on 07-05-06. As a mark of respect IAOH AP Branch paid homage and dedicated the CME Programme on 14/5/06. Large number of IAOH Members gathered and paid homage to the departed soul.

Copyright 2006 - Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

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