Iranian Journal of Pediatrics
Tehran University of Medical Sciences Press
ISSN: 1018-4406 EISSN: 2008-2150
Vol. 18, Num. 2, 2008, pp. 163-166
Iranian Journal of Pediatrics, Vol. 18, No. 2, June, 2008, pp. 163-166
Idiopathic Hypercalciuria in Iranian Children
Ali Ahmadzadeh*1, MD, Pediatrician; MehranHakimzadeh1, MD, Pediatrician; Arezoo Safa-Abadi1, MD, Resident in Pediatrics
1Jondishapour University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, IR Iran
* Correspondence author;
Address: Pediatric Nephrology Division, Abuzar Children’s Hospital, Pasdaran Ave, Ahvaz, IR Iran
E-mail: dr_ahmadzadeh_ali@yahoo.com
Received: 26/09/07; Revised: 23/11/07;
Accepted: 16/12/07
Objective:The aim of this study was to
determine the prevalence of idiopathic hypercalciuria (IH) in school children
in Ahvaz, a city with different ethnic groups located in the Southwest of Iran.
Material & Methods:In a descriptive cross sectional study from October to December 2006,
we determined urinary calcium (UCa) and urinary creatinine (UCr) in the morning
urine samples of 500 primary school children. The levels of 24-hour UCa and UCr
were measured in these children. Level of 24-hour UCa exceeding 4 mg/kg/day was
considered as hypercalciuria, and UCa/UCr ratio exceeding 0.21 (mg/kg) was
considered abnormal. Children who had hypercalciuria with a normal
concentration of serum Ca were categorized as idiopathic hypercalciuric.
500 children aged 6-12 years, 231 were males and 269 females. In the first
screening, 64 (12.8%) children (45 males, 19 females) had an abnormal UCa/UCr
ratio. But in the end only 15 had the criteria of IH, i.e. the prevalence of IH
was 3% (1.8-4.8%, confidence interval of 95%). The prevalence in females and
males was 0.74% and 5.6%, respectively (P= 0.003). Of these children 10
had hematuria (including 2 cases of gross hematuria), 8 children gave a history
of recurrent abdominal pain, 5 children suffered from dysuria and 3 persons had
a history of personal or familial urolithiasis.
Conclusion:The study showed that 3% of primary school children in Ahvaz had IH predisposing to short-term and long-term complications of the disease. IH was
significantly more common in boys than in girls.
Key Words: Renal stone; Hypercalciuria;
Hematuria; Abdominal pain; Calcium
Calcium is the most important ion in the
musculoskeletal system and kidney is the major organ for calcium homeostasis[1].
hypercalciuria (IH) is a common metabolic abnormality in children of all ages.
There is evidence of an association of IH withfrequency-dysuria syndrome, enuresis,
abdominal pain, hematuria, urolithiasis and osteoporosis[1,2]. Prior to development of kidney
stones, hypercalciuria can present as frequency-dysuria syndrome, with or
without microscopic or gross hematuria[3].
Hypercalciuria, as
currently defined, greater than 4 mg/kg/day or urinary calcium/ creatinine
(UCa/UCr) ratio greater than 0.21 is common, occurring in 2.9 to 3.8% of
healthy children[4]. Idiopathic hypercalciuria has been identified
in 20-30% of children with hematuria, dysuria, frequency-urgency syndrome, and voiding
dysfunction[5-8]. It is postulated that the high concentration of
calcium in the urine irritates the bladder, causing involuntary incontinence[3,9,10].
The aim of this study was to determine the
prevalence of IH in school children in Ahvaz, a city with different ethnic
groups in Southwest of Iran.
Material & Methods
In a
descriptive cross-sectional study from October to December 2006, among 93703
primary school children from 432 schools in metropolitan Ahvaz, 500 children
were randomly recruited. The children were examined and excluded from the study
if they received chronic medications, had known kidney diseases, malnutrition
and chronic illness. Randomly, non-fasting urine samples were obtained from
each subject using cups. The urine was collected between 9-10 a.m. The collections were designed to resemble the common method of urine collection in
ambulatory setting. Urine calcium concentration was measured by cresophthalein
complexone spectrophoto-metric method and was determined by kinetic Jaffe
(mg/mg) ratio was calculated for each subject. Ratio exceeding 0.21 was
considered abnormal[4]. In children with abnormal UCa/UCr ratio,
24-hour urinary calcium and creatinine excretion (the latter as a control of
urine collection) was also measured and rates of calcium exceeding 4 mg/kg were
considered as hypercalciuria. All patients were clinically examined, urine samples
for urinalysis and culture taken, and serum levels of calcium, phosphate,
alkaline phosphatase, creatinine and BUN chemically determined. Children who
had hypercalciuria with a normal concentration of serum Ca were considered as idiopathic
calciuric. Informed consents were obtained from parents of children enrolled in
the study. Statistical analysis of data was performed by using the SPSS (version 14) program. P-values
<0.05 were considered significant.
Random sample of 500 children aged 6 to12 years
were enrolled in the study. The sample consisted of 231 (46.2%) males and 269
(53.8%) females. The UCa/UCr ratio was abnormal (>0.21) in 64 (12.8%)
children (45 males and 19 females). The amount of 24-hour urinary calcium
excretion exceeded 4 mg/kg only in 15 (3%) children. Chi square test showed
statistically a significant difference between the prevalence rate in males
(5.6%) and females (0.74%) (P=0.003). All children presenting the
criteria of IH had normal concentrations of serum calcium, creatinine and BUN. Ten
(66.7%) children had hematuria (including 2 cases with gross hematuria), 8 (53.3%)
had a history of recurrent abdominal pain, 5 (33.3%) suffered from dysuria and
3 (20%) had a personal or familial history of urolithiasis.
hypercalciuria may be caused by conditions resulting in hypercalcemia, such as
hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D intoxication, corticotherapy, distal renal
tubular acidosis, IH is the commonest type of hypercalciuria[3]. IH
is also the most common cause of renal calculi[5]. Inherited forms
have been well described, may account for up to 40 to 60% of cases of IH, and
appear to follow an autosomal dominant or codominant pattern, but the gene or
genes responsible remain to be identified[12]. The cause of this
abnormality is not clear. It has been attributed to either a defect in renal
tubular reabsorption of calcium (renal hypercalciuria) or from enhanced
absorption by gastrointestinal tract (absorptive hypercalciuria). In most cases
absorptive type is responsible for IH[3,5].
diagnosis of hypercalciuria is confirmed by 24-hour urine calcium excretion
exceeding 4 mg/kg, but in patients who can not collect a timed urine specimen,
measuring the UCa/UCr ratio on random urine, is a practical use in screening
for hypercalciuria.
the present study, in 64 (12.8%) of 500 children the UCa/UCr ratio exceeded
0.21 which was more than the rate of IH in the study conducted by Moore in 6.22% of 273 school children[13]. It was less than the rate of the
study conducted by Esfahani et al, reported in 25% of 778 school children[14].
In our study, based on a 24-hour urine calcium excretion, the prevalence of IH
was 1.8-4.8% (with confidence interval 95%) which was less than the study of
Tehran (3.5-5.3%)[14], Ankara (4.7%)[15] and Milan (3.2%)[11].
this study there was a difference in the prevalence of IH between girls and
boys (7.5 fold more common in males) which was significant. One possibility may
be the pattern of inheritance in this region which remains to be identified in
the future. Recent studies have showed that the UCa/UCr varies with age and
geographic area. In Turkey a ratio greater than 0.24 was considered abnormal[15].
The most frequent findings in our series were hematuria (66.7%), recurrent
abdominal pain (53.3%), dysuria-frequency (33.3%) and familial history of renal
calculi (20%) which were similar to the results of study conducted by Escrbano with 46%, 37.5% and 27.6%,
the present study, the renal function tests of all these children were normal
which were comparable with the results of Stephan on 5- to 16-year old children
in Memphis[17]. Vachvanichsanong et al found that 23% of children
with IH had urinary incontinence (nocturnal 54%, diurenal 21%, nocturnal with
diurenal 25%)[18]. Penido et al reported that there is an altered
bone metabolism in IH with osteopenia already present at the diagnosis in
35-38% of the patients[19,20]. They suggested N telopeptide as the
most useful marker of bone alterations in IH, especially at an early stage of
the disease[19]. Polito et al found that the risk of stone formation
in children with IH increases with age, and during follow-up more than half of
them have microcalculi[21].
these studies suggest that IH is not an uncommon disorder in children and its
manifestations are relatively common. Moreover, an appropriate management
including general regimen and thiazides are safe and effective for resolving
hypercalciuria and hematuria and if initiated in childhood, may have
significant long-term benefits[22].
This study showed that 3% of school children in Ahvaz had IH predisposing for short-term and long-term complications of the disease. IH was
significantly more common in boys than in girls in the region. Therefore, it is
recommended that not only the urine of children having hematuria, abdominal
pain, recurrent UTI and siblings with urolithiasis, but also the urine of every
child (particularly boys in the region) be routinely screened for
The authors would like to thank Dr. N. Jazayeri for
his assistance in performing the tests and Mr. Cheraghian for statistical
analysis of the results. This study was supported by the vicechancellor for
research affairs, Ahvaz Jondishapour University of Medical Sciences.
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