Gudu stream, the major stream providing water for Durumi 1, Durumi 2 and Durumi 3 settlements
of Gudu District in Abuja, Nigeria was studied for impact assessment of discharged effluent from the Gudu District
wastewater treatment plant. Studies on the physicochemical properties of the stream revealed high concentration of
contaminants at the point of effluent discharge (IP) and upstream (USP). The effluent had no effect on the
temperature of the stream at all points sampled (27°C). Bacteriological analysis revealed the most probable number
(MPN) to be highest at USP (≥1800/100ml) and EP (≥1700/100ml), followed by that of DSP (1000/100ml) and the
least value was obtained at IP (750/100ml).
Escherichia coli
Salmonella typhi
S. paratyphi,
Shigella flexnerri
spp and
Pseudomonas aerugenosa
Escherichi coli, Salmonella typhi,
S. paratyphi,
Shigella flexnerri were
the prevalent bacteria isolated at all the points sampled.