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Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology
Medknow Publications on behalf of The Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL)
this issue
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Passing the Baton
Khopkar, Uday
Opening Remarks From the New Editor
Thappa, D.M.
Fate of Medical Dermatology in the Era of Cosmetic Dermatology and Dermatosurgery
Dogra, Sunil
Research Article
Trace Element Levels in Alopecia Areata
Bhat, Yasmeen J.; Manzoor, Sheikh; Khan, A.R.; Qayoom, Seema
Teledermatology: Clinical Case Profiles and Practical Issues
Kaliyadan, Feroze; Venkitakrishnan, S.
Presentation of Early Onset Psoriasis in Comparison With Late Onset Psoriasis: A Clinical Study From Pakistan
Ejaz, Amer; Raza, Naeem; Iftikhar, Nadia; Iftikhar, Arshi; Farooq, Mohammad
Male Sex Workers: Are We Ignoring a Risk Group in Mumbai, India?
Shinde, Santosh; Setia, Maninder Singh; Row-Kavi, Ashok; Anand, Vivek; Jerajani, Hemangi
Special Article
Emergence of Dermatology in India
Thappa, Devinder Mohan; Kumari, Rashmi
Fitzpatrick Skin Typing: Applications in Dermatology
Sachdeva, Silonie
Current Best Evidence From Dermatology Literature
Kaimal, Sowmya; Thappa, Devinder Mohan
Review Article
Adverse Reactions to Cosmetics and Methods of Testing
Nigam, P.K.
Diffuse Hair Loss in an Adult Female: Approach to Diagnosis and Management
Shrivastava, Shyam Behari
Case Report
Generalized Morphea, Lichen Sclerosis et Atrophicus associated With Oral Submucosal Fibrosis in an Adult Male
Virdi, Sarvjit Kaur; Kanwar, Amrinderjit Singh
Retiform Hemangioendothelioma With Lymph Node Metastasis: A Rare Entity
Bhutoria, Bhawna; Konar, Abantika; Chakrabarti, Sudipta; Das, Shikha
Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy
Ragunatha, S.; Palit, Aparna; Inamadar, ArunC; Madraki, Ravindra M.; Yelikar, B.R.
Disseminated Cutaneous Rhinosporidiosis: Varied Morphological Appearances on the Skin
Kumari, Rashmi; Nath, Amiya Kumar; Rajalakshmi, R.; Adityan, Balaji; Thappa, Devinder Mohan
Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome: A Case Report With Familial Clustering
Grover, Sanjiv; Grewal, R.S.; Verma, Rajesh; Sahni, H.; Muralidhar, R.; Sinha, Preema
Comparing the Therapeutic Effects of Finasteride Gel and Tablet in Treatment of the Androgenetic Alopecia
Hajheydari, Zohreh; Akbari, Jafar; Saeedi, Majid; Shokoohi, Leila
The rK39 Immunochromatic Dipstick Testing: A Study for K39 Seroprevalence in Dogs and Human Leishmaniasis Patients for Possible Animal Reservoir of Cutaneous and Visceral Leishmaniasis in Endemic Focus of Satluj River Valley of Himachal Pradesh (India)
Sharma, Nand Lal; Mahajan, Vikram K.; Negi, Ajit K.; Verma, Ghanshyam K.
A Study of Clinicohistopathological Correlation in Patients of Psoriasis and Psoriasiform Dermatitis
Mehta, Shilpa; Singal, Archana; Singh, Navjeevan; Bhattacharya, Sambit Nath
Periungual Acquired Digital Fibrokeratoma
Kumari, Rashmi; Thappa, Devinder Mohan; Devi, Abarna
Letter to the Editor
The Reliability of Periodic Acid-Schiff Staining in the Diagnosis of Onychomycosis
Singh, Gurcharan; Lavanya, M.S.
Authors' reply
Shenoy, Manjunath M.; Teerthanath, S.; Karnaker, Vimal K.; Girisha, B.S.; Prasad, Krishna; Pinto, Jerome
Granulomatous Rosacea in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
Eghlileb, Ahmed M.; Finlay, Andrew Y.
Tanning Caused by Psoralen-Photochemotherpy in Indian Skin
Gupta, Somesh; Ajith, C.
Concurrent Oral and Genital Involvement in Lichen Planus
Eralp, Asli; Yuksel, Nur; Kaymak, Yesim; Canbazoglu, Mine; Eksioglu, Meral; Gunhan, Omer
Noncicatricial Alopecia Due to Plaque-Type Psoriasis of the Scalp
Gul, Ulker; Soylu, Secil; Demiriz, Murat
Localized Pemphigus Vulgaris on Cheeks Responding to Topical Steroids
Singal, Archana; Pandhi, Deepika
Chrysomya Bezziana
Infestation in a Neglected Squamous Cell Carcinoma on the Face
Yaghoobi, Reza; Bagherani, Nooshin
Pulse Therapy for Pemphigus: The Burden of Proof
Singh, Sanjay; Chaudhary, Rahul
Prolonged Antimicrobial and Oral Cyclophosphamide Therapy in Pemphigus: Need For Caution
Ramam, M.
Polymerase Chain Reaction is no Better Than Gram Stain for Diagnosis of Gonococcal Urethritis
El-Gamal, Abdel-Hamid F.; Al-Otaibi, Sultan R.S.; Alshamali, Abdullah; Abdulrazzaq, Adel; Najem, Nabeel; Al. Fouzan, Abdulwahab
View Point
Cosmeceuticals: Are They Truly Worth the Cost?
Ligade, Virendra S.; Sreedhar, D.; Manthan, J.; Udupa, N.
Asymptomatic Swelling in a 60-Year-Old Scar
De, Dipankar; Narang, Tarun; Dogra, Sunil; Radotra, Bishan D.; Kanwar, Amrinder J.
A Brownish-Red Plaque in an Adult
Harman, Mehmet; Akdeniz, Sedat; Balci, Gokcen; Uzunlar, AliKemal
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