Belonging to the Meliaceae family, cedro (
Cedrela fissilis
Vell.) presents a great economical and
ecological importance. The wood is light and easy to work, being suggested to the manufacturing of furniture
in general, also it is used to reset degraded areas. The objective of this work was to evaluate the quality of
Cedrela fissilis seedlings and seeds from Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná, through the
accomplishment of varied tests of vigor, test of health and evaluation of the quality of seedlings produced
from these seeds. The present study showed that the presence of fungi pathological potential –
spp. and
spp. – can cause losses in the germination. Considering tests with seeds collected in the different states of the South Region, it was possible to verify that differences of the vigor levels exist. The
fungi found in the seeds can cause damages in the production.