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Support Bioline through Sponsorship or Membership

Support Bioline through Sponsorship or Membership

In 2008, Bioline International implemented a new business plan. This plan called for the diversification of funding to help promote the growth and development of the project. Bioline continues to request that libraries, organizations and individuals help support Bioline through a membership and sponsorship program. Bioline is very pleased to acknowledge the sponsors and members who have already committed their support.

Download the Bioline International Membership Enrollment Form
Download the Bioline International Membership Enrollment Form (Consortia)

REMEMBER: EBSCONET customers can now order Bioline International membership with their regular resource orders. Simply search for "Bioline International" on the EBSCONET system and add it to your order! Using a different serials jobber? Please let us know and we will talk to yours about adding Bioline membership!

Why should you support Bioline International?

Bioline International brings visibility to the research and knowledge of its member journals to the international research and teaching community. Sponsors and members will be supporting continued access to valuable and unique content for their faculty and students while contributing to bridging the knowledge divide between western and developing countries.

Becoming a supporting member of Bioline is a strong statement of support for Open Access, and is an important step towards demonstrating that libraries and other organizations have a key role to play in the future of scholarly communication and its long term health.

What would your support enable?

Bioline is a strictly not-for-profit organization. Membership contributions will be used to support directly all aspects of Bioline International operations, including: server support, journal conversion costs, development of value added services (metadata enhancement, database linking, usage tracking), and basic daily operating expenses. Stable and additional funding will enable Bioline to add more journals and expand both content and coverage.

Membership fees

Consortial Mambership
$5000.00(USD) /per year
Library or organizational
$500.00 (USD) /per year

Sponsorship fees

Bioline is asking institutions to offer Bioline additional, short term funding in the form of foundation sponsorships. These may be negotiated individually, and will be instrumental in helping Bioline make its transition to a membership supported model

For more information and to support Bioline, please contact Leslie Chan:

Leslie Chan
Director, Bioline International
+1 416-287-7511 or

Last update: November 28, 2012

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