The aim of the present study was to determine the genetic relatedness of strains isolated from diarrhoeal
stool and water specimens collected from water-storage containers from different geographical areas in the
Limpopo province. In total, 32
strains isolated from stool specimens collected from HIV/AIDS
patients suffering from gastroenteritis and their household drinking-water stored in 20-L and 25-L containers
were analyzed by random amplified polymorphic DNA PCR (RAPD). The RAPD fingerprints obtained proved
reproducible when repeated on three different occasions using whole-cell DNA isolated from the
strains. In total, 12 unique RAPD fingerprints were found. The results revealed a tendency of the isolates to
cluster according to their origin of isolation (best-cut test 0.80 and bootstrap values >50%). However, a certain
degree of similarity was also observed between isolates of water sources and clinical sources which indicated
genetic relatedness. There were also genetic similarities between the clinical and the environmental strains
Aeromonas spp. isolated from different geographical areas. This study has demonstrated the genetic relatedness
Aeromonas hydrophila
isolates from household drinking-water and clinical sources in South Africa,
which may be due to cross-contamination from water to patients or vice-versa. This observation is of publichealth
significance, particularly in the era of HIV/AIDS. This study points to the importance of monitoring
and evaluating infection-control measures for improved hygiene and to prevent cross- contaminations.