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The Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition
ISSN: 1606-0997
EISSN: 1606-0997
Vol. 38, No. 1, 2019, pp. 1-8
Bioline Code: hn19007
Full paper language: English
Document type: Report
Document available free of charge

The Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2019, pp. 1-8

 en Use and completion of partograph during labour is associated with a reduced incidence of birth asphyxia: a retrospective study at a peri-urban setting in Ghana
Anokye, Reindolf; Acheampong, Enoch; Anokye, Judith; Budu-Ainooson, Amy; Amekudzie, Evelyn; Owusu, Isaac; Gyamfi, Naomi; Akwasi, Agyei Gyimah & Mprah, Wisdom Kwadwo


Background: Morbidity of birth asphyxia has been estimated to be 42 million disability-adjusted life years. The study sought to assess the impact of the use and completion of partograph during labour on reducing birth asphyxia at the St Anthony’s Hospital, Dzodze, in the Volta Region of Ghana.

Methods: A retrospective study design using a quantitative approach was adopted for the study. A simple random sampling technique was used to select a total of 200 folders of labouring women who were admitted and delivered at St Anthony’s Hospital, Dzodze, between 1st May 2015 and 30th April 2016. A structured checklist, which was developed by using labour and foetal monitoring parameters based on the standards of the World Health Organization partograph usage, was used to review all the 200 existing maternal records.

Results: The findings revealed that partographs were used by midwives at St Anthony’s Hospital with the majority of the maternal folders fully completed. The use and completion of partograph were found to be associated with less non-asphyxiated birth outcomes. Labours which were monitored with partograph were 4.29 times less likely to result in birth asphyxia [AOR (95% CI) 4.29 (1.35–14.81)], and those that were monitored with a completed partograph were 5.3 times less likely to result in birth asphyxia [AOR (95% CI) 5.31 (2.011–16.04)].

Conclusion: Midwives used partographs during labour at St Anthony’s Hospital. The use and completion of partograph were significantly associated with a reduced incidence of birth asphyxia at the hospital. Birth asphyxia could be reduced if partographs are used and completed by midwives during labour in all cases.

Disability prevention; Labour; Partograph; Asphyxia; Ghana

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