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Heat exposure effects among firefighters
Patel HarshadC, Rao NelloreMohan, Saha Asim
Background: Firefighting is a hazardous occupation. The firefighters (FF) in extinguishing fire are often exposed to extreme heat of 1200°C to 1400°C temperature. The heat exposure effects may occur from hot air, radiant heat, contact with hot surfaces, endogenous heat produced by the body during exercise, which cannot be cooled during fire. A significant morbidity and mortality from exposure to heat was reported in other countries but not from India.
Aims : Present study focuses on prevalence of heat exposure effects i.e., heat exhaustion, heat syncope, heat pyrexia and heat cramps recorded among fire fighters of Ahmedabad fire brigade. Settings: Ahmedabad fire brigade (AFB) of Ahmedabad municipal corporation.
Design: Cross sectional.
Materials and Methods: Present study focuses on prevalence of heat exposure effects i.e., heat exhaustion, heat syncope, heat pyrexia and heat cramps recorded between 262 FF of AFB. This prevalence's were observed among firemen those directly exposed to heat in combating fire and others (load trucks, pump trucks etc.) that assist the firemen. These were seen in different age groups (< 30; 31-45 and> 45 yrs), duration of exposure (< 10; 11-20 and > 21 yrs).The number of accidents associated with heat exposure was analyzed.
Statistical Analysis: Prevalence comparison by Chi-square test.
Results: The results revealed that a total of 53 (20.0%) FF reported health exposure effects and were higher among firemen than other groups. Heat exhaustion 48 (18.3%); heat syncope 11(4.2%); heat pyrexia 11 (4.2%) and heat cramps 16(6.1%) were reported indicating significant occurrence of heat stress among firefighters. In majority of FF, the frequency of occurrence was observed at only one instance. There were no differences according to age or duration of exposure. Among 53 FF with heat exposure effects, accident were reported in 10 (18.9%) suggesting that heat stress may be responsible for this.
Conclusion: Overall, Significant occurrence of heat exposure effect among FF and wearing cooling jackets/other heat proof materials may be precautionary cum preventive measure.
Accident duration, firefighters, heat exposure effects