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Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Pharmacotherapy Group, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria
ISSN: 1596-5996
EISSN: 1596-5996
Vol. 11, No. 5, 2012, pp. 739-746
Bioline Code: pr12087
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 11, No. 5, 2012, pp. 739-746

 en Composition of the Essential Oil of Clausena Suffruticosa check for this species in other resources Leaf and Evaluation of its Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activities
Rahman, Md. Atiar; Chakma, Joti Sankhar; Bhuiyan, Nazrul Islam & Islam, Md. Shahidul


Purpose: To investigate the essential oil content of Clausena suffruticosa check for this species in other resources leaf for its in-vitro antibacterial, antifungal and cytotoxic activities.
Methods: The essential oil of Clausena suffruticosa leaf was extracted by hydrodistillation using a modified Clevenger-type apparatus and was analyzed by GC-MS using electron impact ionization method. Antibacterial, antifungal and cytotoxic screenings were made by disc diffusion technique, poisoned food technique and brine shrimp lethality bioassay, respectively. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the oil was determined by measuring the zone of inhibition, with tetracycline as reference standard. Fluconazole served as standard in the antifungal assessment.
Results: A total of twenty two compounds, of which Estragole, Anethole and β-Ocimene were the major ones, were found in the essential oil of C. suffruticosa. The oil showed higher antibacterial activity against Shigella flexneri check for this species in other resources than the reference, tetracycline (p < 0.05). Significant activity (p < 0.001) against other Gram-positive microbes - Staphylococcus aureus check for this species in other resources , Bacillus subtilis check for this species in other resources , Bacillus cereus check for this species in other resources , Bacillus polymyxa check for this species in other resources and Bacillus megaterium check for this species in other resources – was also observed. However, Gram-negative bacteria - Salmonella typhi check for this species in other resources , Shigella flexneri check for this species in other resources , Proteus mirabilis check for this species in other resources and Escherichia coli check for this species in other resources . Klebsiella pneumoniae check for this species in other resources and Shigella sonnei check for this species in other resources - showed no sensitivity to the oil. In the antifungal assay, the oil exhibited greater activity (p < 0.001) against Aspergillus ochraceus check for this species in other resources than the reference, fluconazole, Inhibition of other fungal strains tested was also statistically significant (p < 0.001). The lethal concentration (LC50) of the oil against brine shrimp was 41.2 μg/ml in the cytotoxic assay.
Conclusion: It is evident that the essential oil of C. suffruticosa is a potent antimicrobial and cytotoxic agent that should be further evaluated.

Clausena suffruticosa, Essential oil, Cytotoxicity, Antimicrobial, Brine shrimp

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