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VITAE Academia Biomédica Digital
Centro de Análisis de Imágenes Biomédicas Computarizadas-CAIBC0
ISSN: 1317-987x
No. 57, 2014
Bioline Code: va14004
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

VITAE Academia Biomédica Digital, No. 57, 2014

 es Enteroparásitos de interés médico en ejemplares de Achatina fulica check for this species in other resources capturados en Ciudad Bolívar, estado Bolívar, Venezuela
Amaya, Iván; Fajardo, Mayling; Morel, Cristina; Blanco, Ytalia & Devera, Rodolfo


Se realizó un estudio para determinar la presencia de parásitos de importancia médica en ejemplares de Achatina fúlica check for this species in other resources capturados en Ciudad Bolívar, estado Bolívar. Fueron recolectados un total de 76 especímenes de A. fúlica procedentes de los sectores La Sabanita (36) y Los Coquitos (40). Se examinaron de forma individual, las heces y la secreción mucosa de cada ejemplar. Las heces se analizaron mediante las técnicas de examen directo, Kato, sedimentación espontánea y coloración de Kinyoun y la secreción mucosa solo por examen directo. En 23 (30,3%) de estos caracoles se encontraron formas parasitarias. Los helmintos diagnosticados fueron: Trichuris check for this species in other resources sp. (14,5% en heces y 2,6% en secreción mucosa), Ascaris check for this species in other resources sp. (7,9% en heces y 1,3% en secreción mucosa), Strongyloides stercoralis check for this species in other resources (5,6% en heces y 1,3% en secreción) e Hymenolepis nana check for this species in other resources (solo en heces, 2,6%). Los protozoarios solo fueron encontrados en muestras de heces: Blastocystis check for this species in other resources spp. (3,9%), Giardia check for this species in other resources sp.(2,6%) y Cryptosporidium check for this species in other resources spp. (1,3%). En conclusión, el 30,3% de los ejemplares de A. fulica examinados presentaron enteroparásitos ya sea en sus heces o en la secreción mucosa lo que pudiera representar un riesgo para la transmisión de esos parásitos entre la población humana que entre en contacto con dichos caracoles.

Achatina fúlica; caracol gigante africano; enteroparásitos; Trichuris; Blastocystis; Venezuela

 en Enteroparasites of medical interest in specimens of Achatina fulica check for this species in other resources captured in Ciudad Bolívar, Bolívar State, Venezuela
Amaya, Iván; Fajardo, Mayling; Morel, Cristina; Blanco, Ytalia & Devera, Rodolfo


A study was conducted to determine the presence of medically relevant parasites in Achatina fulica check for this species in other resources specimens captured in Ciudad Bolívar, Bolívar state. a total of 76 specimens of A. fulica from areas La Sabanita (36) and Los Coquitos (40) were collected and individually examined, including feces and mucous secretion of each specimen. Feces were analyzed by direct examination, Kato, spontaneous sedimentation techniques and Kinyoun staining and mucous secretion only by direct examination. In 23 (30.3%) of these snails were found parasitic stage. Helminths were diagnosed: Trichuris check for this species in other resources sp. (14.5% in feces and 2.6% in mucous secretion), Ascaris check for this species in other resources sp. (7.9% in feces and 1.3% in mucus), Strongyloides stercoralis check for this species in other resources (5.6% in feces and 1.3% in mucous secretion) and Hymenolepis nana check for this species in other resources (only in feces, 2.6%). The protozoans were found only in feces samples: Blastocystis check for this species in other resources spp. (3.9%), Giardia check for this species in other resources sp. (2.6%) and Cryptosporidium check for this species in other resources spp. (1.3%). In conclusion, 30.3% of the specimens of A. fulica examined had enteroparasites in their stool or/and mucous secretion which could pose a risk for transmission of these parasites to the human population that comes into contact with these snails.

Achatina fulica; giant african snail; enteroparasites; Trichuris; Blastocystis; Venezuela

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