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Annals of African Medicine
Annals of African Medicine Society
ISSN: 1596-3519

The Annals of African Medicine is published by the Annals of African Medicine Society. The journal is intended to serve as a medium for the publication of research findings in the broad field of Medicine in Africa, and other developing countries, and elsewhere, which have relevance to Africa. It will serve as a source of information on the state of the art of Medicine in Africa, for continuing education for doctors in Africa and other developing countries, and also for the publication of meetings and conferences. The journal will publish articles in any field of Medicine and other fields which have relevance or implications for Medicine.

The journal will be published quarterly (March, June, September and December). The annual subscription rate is 100 US Dollars for Africa and 200 US Dollars for the rest of the world (including air mail postage). Orders should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief, Annals of African Medicine, P. O. Box 76, Zaria, 810001, Nigeria.

Permission is granted for the photocopying of materials in the journal for the purpose of teaching and research. For other purposes, written permission must be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief before reproduction.

Annals of African Medicine is abstracted in African Journals Online (AJOL) at, Index Copernicus, EMBASE and PubMed/Medline. Free full texts are readily available on Bioline International at

Last updated - July 30, 2009

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