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African Population Studies
Union for African Population Studies
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Research Article
Fifty years of research in African demography: progresses and challenges
Garenne, Michel
Abstract also available in French
Training of population specialists for Africa’s needs: past, current and future
Ntozi, James P.M.
Age structural transition in South Africa
Nair, P.S.
Africa and the francophonie of tomorrow: an attempt to measure the population of the Francophonie from now to 2060
Marcoux, Richard; Konaté, Mamadou Kani
The demographic bonus: how prepared is Africa for the gains?
Fadayomi, T.O.
Maternal and environmental factors influencing infant birth weight in Ibadan, Nigeria
Isiugo-Abanihe, Uche C.; Oke, Olubukola A.
Reflections on international migration and development in sub-Saharan Africa
Adepoju, Aderanti
Rural-to-urban migration, kinship networks, and fertility among the Igbo in Nigeria
Smith, Daniel Jordan
Niveaux et tendances des besoins non satisfaits de planification familiale au Bénin : Facteurs explicatifs et changements dans le temps
Sanni, Mouftaou Amadou
The influence of gender role attitudes on risky sexual behaviour: evidence from the 2008 Botswana AIDS impact survey III
Letamo, Gobopamang
Abstract also available in French
Headship of older persons in the context of HIV/ AIDS in rural South Africa
Schatz, Enid; Madhavan, Sangeetha
Household HIV/AIDS status and sexual debut among adolescents in Kenya
Magadi, Monica; Olayo, Rose
Ascertaining the level of fertility preference implementation in Nigeria
Ibisomi, Latifat
Abstract also available in French
Gender, education, and the labour market in Kinshasa
Shapiro, David; Gough, Mark D.; Nyuba, Roger Bertrand Pongi
Abstract also available in French
Explaining the persistence of racial gaps in schooling in South Africa
Ardington, Cally; Branson, Nicola; Lam, David; Leibbrandt, Murray
Fertility preferences and contraceptive use among couples in sub-Saharan Africa
Bankole, Akinrinola; Audam, Suzette
Rising popularity of injectable contraceptives in sub-Saharan Africa
Adetunji, Jacob A.
The vulnerability of older adults: what do census data say? An application to Uganda
Golaz, Valérie; Rutaremwa, Gideon
Population ageing in Ghana: a profile and emerging issues
Tawiah, E.O.
Excision et comportement sexuel des femmes au Burkina Faso
Baya, B.
The spatial distribution of health establishments in Nigeria
Nwakeze, Ngozi M.; Kandala, Ngianga-Bakwin
Review Article
Missing safer sex strategies in HIV Prevention: A call for further research
Kerwin, Jason T.; Foley, Sallie M.; Thornton, Rebecca L.; Basinga, Paulin; Chinkhumba, Jobiba
Literature Review
Malthus, the 18th Century European explorers and the principle of population in Africa
Reniers, Georges
African urbanization trends and prospects
Bocquier, Philippe; Mukandila, Andrew Kabulu
Case Report
Uncertain future, non-numeric preferences, and the fertility transition: A case study of rural Mozambique
Hayford, Sarah R.; Agadjanian, Victor
Magnitudes and trends in orphanhood among younger persons in the era of HIV/AIDS in South Africa, 2001-2015
Udjo, Eric O.
Effect of mother’s migration on under-two mortality in Kenya
Onyango, Emmanuel B. Otieno; Khasakhala, Ann; Agwanda, A.T.; Kimani, Murungaru; K’Oyugi, Bonface
Book Review
The uniqueness of the Ethiopian demographic transition within sub-Saharan Africa: multiple responses to population pressure, and preconditions for rural fertility decline and capturing the demographic dividend
Teller, Charles H.; Hailemariam, Assefa; Gebreselassie, Tesfayi; Seifu, Yordanos
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