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Reproductive and Newborn Health
Koblinsky, Dr. Marge
Research Article
Review of Domiciliary Newborn-care Practices in Bangladesh
Darmstadt, Gary L.; Syed, Uzma; Patel, Zohra; Kabir, Nazma
Maternal and Newborn-care Practices During Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Postnatal Period: A Comparison in Three Rural Districts in Bangladesh
Barnett, S.; Azad, K.; Barua, S.; Mridha, M.; Abrar, M.; Rego, A.; Khan, A.; Flatman, D.; Costello, A.
Perceived Delay in Healthcare-seeking for Episodes of Serious Illness and Its Implications for Safe Motherhood Interventions in Rural Bangladesh
Killewo, J.; Anwar, I.; Bashir, I.; Yunus, M.; Chakraborty, J.
Women, Reproductive Rights, and HIV/AIDS: Issues on Which Research and Interventions are Still Needed
de Bruyn, Maria
'Semen Contains Vitality and Heredity, Not Germs': Seminal Discourse in the AIDS Era
Khan, Sharful Islam; Hudson-Rodd, Nancy; Saggers, Sherry; Bhuiyan, Mahbubul Islam; Bhuiya, Abbas; Karim, Syed Afzalul; Rauyajin, Oratai
Overcoming Access Barriers for Facility-based Delivery in Low-income Settings: Insights from Bangladesh and Uganda
Parkhurst, Justin O.; Rahman, Syed Azizur; Ssengooba, Freddie
Household Costs of Healthcare During Pregnancy, Delivery, and the Postpartum Period: A Case Study from Matlab, Bangladesh
Borghi, Josephine; Sabina, Nazme; Blum, Lauren S.; Hoque, Mohammad Enamul; Ronsmans, Carine
Reaching the Unreachable: Barriers of the Poorest to Accessing NGO Healthcare Services in Bangladesh
Ahmed, Nizam U.; Alam, Mohammed M.; Sultana, Fadia; Sayeed, Shahana N.; Pressman, Aliza M.; Powers, Mary Beth
Low Use of Skilled Attendants' Delivery Services in Rural Kenya
Cotter, Kristen; Hawken, Mark; Temmerman, Marleen
Transition to Skilled Birth Attendance: Is There a Future Role for Trained Traditional Birth Attendants?
Sibley, Lynn M.; Sipe, Theresa Ann
Are Birth-preparedness Programmes Effective? Results From a Field Trial in Siraha District, Nepal
McPherson, Robert A.; Khadka, Neena; Moore, Judith M.; Sharma, Meena
Birth-Preparedness for Maternal Health: Findings from Koupêla District, Burkina Faso
Moran, Allisyn C.; Sangli, Gabriel; Dineen, Rebecca; Rawlins, Barbara; Yaméogo, Mathias; Baya, Banza
A Positive Deviance-based Antenatal Nutrition Project Improves Birth-weight in Upper Egypt
Ahrari, Mahshid; Houser, Robert F.; Yassin, Siham; Mogheez, Mona; Hussaini, Y.; Crump, Patrick; Darmstadt, Gary L.; Marsh, David; Levinson, F. James
Immediate and Early Postnatal Care for Mothers and Newborns in Rural Bangladesh
Syed, Uzma; Asiruddin, Sk.; Hela, S.I.; Mannan, Imteaz I.; Murray, John
Trends in Use of Referral Hospital Services for Care of Sick Newborns in a Community-based Intervention in Tangail District, Bangladesh
Bari, Sanwarul; Mannan, Ishtiaq; Rahman, Mohammed Anisur; Darmstadt, Gary L.; Habibur, M.; Seraji, R.; Baqui, Abdullah H.; Arifeen, Shams El; Rahman, Syed Moshfiqur; Saha, Samir K.; Ahmed, A.S.M. Nawshad Uddin; Ahmed, Saifuddin; Santosham, Mathuram; Black, Robert E.; Winch, Peter J.; Ali, Nabeel Ashraf; Anwar, Tariq; Begum, Nazma; Chowdhury, Atique Iqbal; Chowdhury, Sameena; Haque, A.K.M. Fazlul; Hasan, Quamrul; Poddar, Dulal; Rahman, Qazi Sadequr; Siddik, Ashrafuddin
Early Initiation of and Exclusive Breastfeeding in Large-scale Community-based Programmes in Bolivia and Madagascar
Baker, Elizabeth Jean; Sanei, Linda C.; Franklin, Nadra
Active Management of Third Stage of Labour Saves Facility Costs in Guatemala and Zambia
Fullerton, Judith T.; Frick, Kevin D.; Fogarty, Linda A.; Fishel, Joy D.; Vivio, Donna M.
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