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East and Central African Journal of Surgery
Association of Surgeons of East Africa and College of Surgeons of East Central and Southern Africa
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Research Article
Review Article - Day Care Surgery: The Norm for Elective Surgery
I. Kakande, G. Nassali G, O. Kituuka.
Rahima Dawood Memorial Lecture 2002: Surgical Training in Africa
Christine Evans
Experience with Lignocaine 0.1% With Adrenaline1:1,000,000 In 328 General Surgery Patients.
K.L. Yerzingatsian
Acute Isovolemic Haemodilution in Elective Prostatectomy: An Ethiopian Study
Mekonen Eshete
Surgical Wound Infection in Clean-Contaminated and Contaminated Laparotomy Wounds at Muhimbili National Hospital.
E.V. Ussiri, C.A. Mkony, M.R. Aziz
Management of Haemorrhoids - A Personal Local Experience
P.G Jani
Use of Vaginal Speculums in Lower Rectal and Anal Conditions.
M. Mchembe, C.M.A. Yongolo.
Paediatric Trauma at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi Kenya.
D.L.Gome, V.M. Mutiso, K. Kimende.
Outcome of moderate and severe thermal injuries at Kenyatta National Hospital
P.M. Nthumba , J.S. Oliech
Orthopedic and Major Limb Trauma at the Tikur Anbessa University Hospital, Addis Ababa - Ethiopia.
Ahmed Elias, Chaka Tezera
Case Report- A Triplane Fracture of the Distal Femoral Epiphysis: A Case Report.
R.A. Gosselin, E.N. Muteti, T. Beyeza
Complications of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts in Children in Dar es Salaam
ADA Kinasha, JF Kahamba, IT Semali.
Penetrating Cranial Nail Injury an Unusual Domestic Assault: Case Report
M.G. Yilkudi, P.I. Ogolekwu, S.J. Yiltok
Treatment of Phimosis with Topical Steroids as Alternative to Circumcision
J.B.M. Nzayisenga , L. Munkonge, M. Labib
Initial Experience of Buccal Mucosa Urethroplasty in Tanzania.
C.M.S. Yongolo
Case Report- Case Report: Accidental Insertion of a tampon into the bladder.
P.M. Nthumba
Iatrogenic Penile Amputation an Anatomy Lesson
Kasonde Bowa1 , Peter Phiri
Post Oesophagectomy Leakage at Kenyatta National Hospital - Nairobi - Kenya
S.W.O. Ogendo
Review Article - Palliative Cancer Surgery
E.V. Ussiri, L.E.K. Lema
Soft Tissue Sarcoma in Uganda.
A.M. Gakwaya, J. Jombwe
Cancer of the Cervix: The Uganda Guidelines.
E Kiguli-Malwadde, AM Gakwaya, AJ Robinson, JB Kigula Mugambe, AK Luwaga
Abstracts of the joint Surgical Association of Malawi and Association Of Surgeons Of East Africa Regional Scientific Meeting held in Kambiri Lodge Salima, Malawi on Thursday 4th & Friday 5th August 2005.
Value of "Second-Look Laparotomy" in Peritoneal Sepsis
C.D. Mushaya, M.S. Magara, M.H. Cotton.
Necrotizing Fasciitis: A deadly disease.
Cree, I.C., Phiri, P.S.
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