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East and Central African Journal of Surgery
Association of Surgeons of East Africa and College of Surgeons of East Central and Southern Africa
this issue
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Research Article
The Gap between Surgical Resident and Faculty Surgeons Concerning Operating Theatre Teaching: Report from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Bekele, A.; Kotisso, B.; Shiferaw, S.; Seyoum, N.
Pattern of Patient Presentation to the General Surgery Unit of a Tertiary Health Care Centre in a Developing Country
Afuwape, O.; Ayandipo, O.; Irabor, D. O.
Inguinal Hernia Repair is Safe in Africa
Warwick, A.; Oppong, C.; Boateng, Doah B.; Kingsnorth, A.
A Randomized Trial Comparing Lichtenstein Repair and No Mesh Desarda Repair for Inguinal Hernia: A Study of 1382 Patients
Rodríguez, P. R. I.; Herrera, P. P.; Gonzalez, O. L.; Alonso, J. R. C.; Blanco, H. S. R.
Transition from Open to Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy at a Public and Private Hospitals in Nairobi
Jani, P. G.; Kotecha, V.
Aerobic Bacterial Causes of Secondary Peritonitis and Their Antibiotic Sensitivity Patterns among HIV Negative Patients with Non-traumatic Small Bowel Perforations in Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital
Mutiibwa, D.; Tumusiime, G.
LaparostomicTreatment of Diffuse Peritonitis in Northern Uganda.
Mari, G.; Abonga, J.; Olin, J.; Komakech, M.; Ojom, L.; Origi, M.; Costanzi, A.; Brown, P.
The Undescended Testes in Children: a Prospective Epidemiological Study
Adesanya, O. A.; Ademuyiwa, A. O.; Elebute, O. A.; Ojewola, R.; Bode, C. O.
Vesicostomy: The Salvage Procedure for Resource-limited Urology Units; The KCMC Experience in Tanzania.
Ahmed, H.; Mteta, A. K.; Musau, P.
The Role of Current Emergency Radiology Practice: A prospective Cross-sectional Study Done at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital
Teka, A.; Kebede, T.; Hawaz, Y.
Risk Factors of Deep Venous Thrombosis in Duplex and Colour Doppler Ultrasound at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Haile, L.; Hawaz, Y.; Assefa, G.
Patterns of Traumatic Intracranial Bleeds at Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya.
Wekesa, V. D.; Ogengo, J. A.; Elbusaidy, H.; Siongei, C. V.; Iwaret, M.
Outcome of Femoral Plate Osteosynthesis in a Teaching Hospital in a Developing Country.
Ogundele, O. J.; Ifesanya, A. I.; Fakoya, A. A.; Alonge, T. O.
Aetiology and Patterns of Implant Failure Following Fracture Fixation in a Developing Country.
Esan, O.; Akinyoola, A. L.; Abiodun, A. A.
Early Outcome of Delayed Management of Supracondylar Humeral Fractures in Children in Rwanda.
Bayisenga, J.; Ssebuufu, R.; Mugenzi, D. S.
Prevalence, Indications, Levels and Outcome Limb amputations at University Teaching Hospital-Butare in Rwanda.
Murwanashyaka, E.; Ssebuufu, R.; Kyamanywa, P.
Surgical Experience with Closure of an Isolated PDA at Muhimbili Cardiothoracic Unit in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Nyawawa, E.T.M.; Ussiri, E.; Njelekela, M. A.; Mpoki, U.; Nyangassa, B. J.; Wandwi, W.B.C.; Lugazia, E.
Management of Congenital Tracheosophageal Atrasia and Fistula: A preliminary Bi-Cenre Study in Nigeria.
Aiwanlehi, E.; Odion, C.; Osasumwen, O.
Experience with Perforator Based Flaps for Wound Cover of the Leg and Foot at Nakuru and Eldoret in Kenya.
Oduor, P. R.
Marjolin’s ulcer arising from cutaneous lichen planus
Olawoye, O. A.; Michael, A. I.; Oluwasola, O. A.
Review Article
Trauma in Ethiopia Revisited: A systematic Review
Azaj, A.; Seyoum, N.; Nega, B.
Literature Review
Superficial Temporal Artery Pseudoaneurysm: A Report of Two Ruptured Cases and Review of Literature.
Nnadi, M. O. N.; Bankole, O. B.; Arigbabu, T. O.
Oncogenic osteomalacia: a case report and review of the literarture
Sayed, W.; Salah, M. B.; Chenguel, Z.; Raboudi, T.; Zoghalami, M.; M’Barek, M.
Aplasia Cutis Congenita. A Case Report and Review of Literature
Muoki, A.; Gatinu, B. W.; Mutiso, V. M.
Case Report
Uncommon complications of Otitis media in a tertiary center: A Case Series
Dunmade, A. D.; Afolabi, O. A.; Adekoya, B. J.; Alabi, B. S.; Segun-Busari, S.
Humeroradioulnar Synostosis in an African Child: A Case Report.
Agaba-Idu Musa, A.
Massive Neurofibroma of the Breast: Late Presentation in a Low Resource Nation
Kajombo, C.; Roy, I.; Gemer, M.
Congenital Duplex Gallbladder Anomaly Presenting as Gangrenous Perforated Intrahepatic Cholecystitis A Case Report and Review of Literature.
Muguti, E. G.; Muchuweti, D.; Munyika, A. A.
Mesenteric Panniculitis Mimicking Acute Pancreatitis: A Case Report and Literature review
Jani, P. G.; Jivanjee, M.
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